Thankful [Josh Groban]

Sunday, December 20, 2009

So just a quick post to show I've survived - I promise to have a real post chronicling my journey back to the States and the subsequent trip to NC as soon as I'm home from NC :)

Oh - and of course when I get to NC they have a crazy winter storm. Welcome home to me, right?

But I made it through the end of the semester, have turned in three of my six final papers (one more is due the 31st of December and the other two are due 15 January) and am enjoying my time in my second home of NC. It's hard for me being back here - why on earth did I leave?! Three more semesters of CEU and then we'll see - hopefully I'll end up back down here someday!


  1. Those names are all SO cute. As thankful as I am, now I'm even more torn. I am LOVING Bernard. I happen to love The Santa Claus ;)


Thank you all so much for your comments! I'm only happy when I have comments. Really. You are contributing to my future happiness right now! XOXO