I Was Raised On The Street

Thursday, October 14, 2010

When I saw this YouTube video the other day, I nearly died. I loved Sesame Street growing up - who knew I'd still love it now?

Well, that video prompted a good hour of searching through YouTubeLand, watching who knows how many other Sesame Street videos of awesomeness. Here's your assortment of awesome for the day:

This one has a really awesome message to kids - get off your butt, go outside and play :)

This one was just adorable.
Well, this is no picnic for me either, Jake.

What kind of shoes do I have? Kid! I've got 'em all!

He must have been one of them there grouches!

I could listen to him talk all day, about anything, really.

I just keep waiting for him to rip off his glasses and stare into the camera...

that one is my favorite, obviously.
now sesame street is proud to present some guys that really have it together. they're *Nsync!

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Thank you all so much for your comments! I'm only happy when I have comments. Really. You are contributing to my future happiness right now! XOXO