Plenty To Be THANKful For {Day 7: Thanksgiving Traditions}

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Manic Mother

Did I mention I LOVE blog challenges?
Because I do!
I'm seriously STILL so hungry from all your recipes yesterday!
I am going to need to have a second Thanksgiving
just to try all those amazing foods you've teased me with!

Today's topic is:
I'm THANKful For Thanksgiving Traditions

Mine are pretty simple: there are three!

1) MACY'S Parade - cannot wait to see Santa come down on his sleigh! I LOVE curling up under a blanket in my PJs while the smells of Thanksgiving start to swarm the house.

credit: pinterest

2) Leftovers - almost better than the meal itself. Enough said. :)

3) Breaking the wishbone - Mom and I do this every year. I think I'm winning in the number of wishes won over the years on Thanksgiving Turkeys. We do it with other chicken/turkeys we eat through the year, but Thanksgiving is the most important!


  1. Who doesn't love the parade? It's the best!

  2. The wishbone is the reason why I can never cook just a turkey breast : ) Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. the parade is the BEST, i agree! thanksgiving is such a nice, relaxing holiday. :)


Thank you all so much for your comments! I'm only happy when I have comments. Really. You are contributing to my future happiness right now! XOXO