So They Say It's Your Birthday

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So, I was seeing SO many of you having blogoversaries over the past month and I thought I'd look and see when mine was. Boy was I in for a surprise!!


Well, I missed it by about 5 days. Still, I missed it. I'm such a bad blog-mother.

When I started this blog I just wanted a place to bitch rant about life, whine about small things that no one else would listen to, and basically just a secondary public-ish journal. I wrote when I felt like it and didn't feel bad for not posting more than once a month. Heck, I had life going on and things to do. Plus, no one was reading it, so I only let myself down by not posting. I was on my hunt for post-bacc programs for med school, believed I would be at my job for another year until I was accepted into said post-bacc, and volunteering at the UNC Hospitals.

Life was good. Life was fun. Life was easy.

Life was in for a big change.

I got accepted into grad school. In. Budapest. I moved out of my lovely home of the past six year and crammed all of my worldly belongings into a UHaul and then back into my parent's house. And then I crossed that giant pond. I originally started this blog so that all my friends and family could gorge themselves on my adventures and be super jealous of live vicariously through me. I didn't know then that I'd have 40+ followers, let alone be sharing a trip/grad school adventure in Budapest with all of you! I I'm so glad I am though! You guys are the best. Seriously, your comments make me so happy!

So in honor of my belated birthday I'm going to host a little giveaway. Just cause you guys are so awesome. Give me a few days to find something suitable and I'll have another post about it. It's going to be mailed out when I get back to the States, so I've got a little bit of time (eep! 18 days until going home! eep! sooo much work to do.....!)


  1. Congratulations on your first year of blogging! :D

  2. I love reading about your adventures! Happy 1st year!

  3. Congrats on your blogging birthday! :) I look forward to reading more of your adventures!

  4. Happy Blog Birthday and hurry home to hambugers,fries and a shake.

  5. Congrats on your anniversary! Isn't it amazing how a blog can evolve?

  6. Happy belated anniversary! Amazing to look back on the adventures we have been through in life.


Thank you all so much for your comments! I'm only happy when I have comments. Really. You are contributing to my future happiness right now! XOXO